필리핀 와이프가 곧 CFO를 준비해야해서
필고에서 검색하고 CFO홈페이지?에 가서 좀 살펴봤습니다.
근데 필고에서 검색해보니 8월1일부터 한국어수료증?이 필요하다는 글을 봐서
혹시나하고 CFO 홈페이지 내용을 봤습니다만..
일단 해당 내용은 없는거 같습니다. 그래도 이거 미심쩍긴 한데 -_-;;

위 링크 클릭하셔서 참조하시면 됩니다.

for Filipino Spouses, Fiance/es and
other partner of foreign nationals

Requirements for Guidance Counseling

  1. Two (2)  valid identification cards (IDs) with photograph;
  2. Duly completed guidance and counseling form  to be issued by SMEF-COW upon registration;
  3. If married, certified true copy and photocopy of marriage contract on security paper from the National Statistics Office, or Local Civil Registry Offices; or original and photocopy of marriage contract duly authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate (if married abroad)
  4. Other documents as may be required by the counselors; and
  5. Payment of P250.00 counseling fee.

Note: After attending the guidance and counseling requirements in SMEF-COW, you can proceed to the CFO within the building who will issue the guidance and counseling certificate.  After receipt of the passport and visa, Filipino spouses and other partners of foreign nationals will have to register with CFO prior to their departure.  CFO has an extension office in SMEF-COW building for immediate release of CFO Guidance and Counseling Certificate.  And CFO Registration Sticker (An emigrant registration sticker) is affixed to the emigrant’s passport as proof of registration (if with Visa).  Registration is done from Monday to Friday, 8:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. 

Requirements for Registration to the CFO office:

  1. Original Passport;
  2. Original and photocopy of visa;
  3. Original and photocopy of Immigrant Data Summary for US bound/Confirmation of Permanent Residence for Canada bound/Certification of Eligibility (for Japan-bound);
  4. Original CFO  guidance and counseling certificate;
  5. Duly completed emigrant registration form; and
  6. Payment of the authorized registration fee in the amount of P400.00

근데 보니까 한국어수료증이 필요하다는 내용은 안보이긴 하는데....-_-;;;
한국어 수료증이 필요하다는게 사실이면 뭐 어떤 방법을 통해서 수료를 해야한다는건지
공지소식을 접한기억이 없거든요. 한국어 수료증을 준다는 교육기관이 필리핀에 있다는 얘기도
들어보지 못했고;;;;;;
저도 필고에서 검색해보고 긴가민가 하네요. 누구 시원하게 잘 아시는분은 답글 좀 부탁드립니다.