
PNI Management Philippines,Inc.

Founded in 1991, PNI Management Philippines is an innovative pioneer in the Philippine contractual and staff placement industry. PNI recognized that besides thoroughly screening and qualifying the right people for the job, there had to be a way to effectively train, motivate and evaluate workers in order that client companies would get the best value and performance out of their contractual personnel.

Today, PNI Management Phils. provides the most cost-effective training that ensures that our Clients get the best people who are dedicated, motivated, committed and focused on delivering results, delivering performance.

PNI Management Phils. provides employment and career opportunities for the Philippines workforce while providing the best staff and personnel needs to various clients in virtually every industry – from industrial workers to EDP professionals.


  • Male or Female, not older than 40
  • Native speaker of KOREAN, should also be fluent/conversant in English
  • Preferably with BPO experience
  • Will handle a Google account specifically Android platform
  • Familiar with using Android tablets/with Android Technology
  • Updated with the latest applications running on Android
  • Tech savvy candidates highly preferred
  • Have billing and payments background
  • Android users like tablet, phone, etc
  • Willing to work in a shifting schedule
  • Willing to work in The Fort