외국인 등록 프로그램(ARP)안내
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Bureau of Immigration 필리핀이민국외국인등록프로젝트( ARP)
The Alien Registration Project (ARP)
적용법규:Immigration Operations Order No. SBM-2014-043)
ALL FOREIGN NATIONALS are required to present themselves before the Bureau of Immigration for biometrics capturing and issuance of SPECIAL SECURITY REGISTRATION NUMBER (SSRN) 01 October 2014 to 30 September 2015
“필리핀에거주하는관광비자소유(59일이상거주할경우) 의외국인은2015.09.30일까지SPECIAL SECURITY
The SSRN is an alpha-numeric number assigned to every foreign national who registers under the ARP and shall be used in all transactions with the Bureau..
“SSRN란 ARP에서등록하고국가의모든거래에사용되어지는 모든외국인에할당된알파벳 - 숫자번호입니다.”
http://korea.com.ph/ 자세한 내용은 옆에 있는 싸이트로 들어가셔서
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AI answer
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