Gordon, family go on home isolation after 10 Senate, Red Cross staff catch coronavirus Ten members of Senator Richard Gordon's "immediate" staff at the Senate and the Philippine Red Cross (PRC) tested positive for COVID-19, prompting him to get tested as well. In a statement, Gordon said he, his wife, and their household staff all tested negative, but have decided to go into a self-imposed home isolation. As for his infected staff members - who all tested positive following the PRC's routine testing - Gordon said they are now in quarantine and contact tracing has already been conducted. 이하생략 https://www.gmanetwork.com/news/news/nation/747454/gordon-family-go-on-home-isolation-after-10-senate-red-cross-staff-catch-coronavirus/story/ 필리핀 적십자사 총재이며 상원의원인 고든의 상원의원 비서실과 적십자사 측근 직원 10명이 확진 판정을 받았다. 고든 상원의원과 그 가족들은 코로나 테스트에서 음성판정을 받았으나, 집에서 격리 하기로 결정했다.