Meeting a Girl...

<p>Hi! Have you met a beautiful Filipina yet?</p> <p>Here are some tips on how to communicate in TAGALOG!</p> <p>Have fun!</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>What's your name? - Anong pangalan mo? (A-nong pa-nga-lan mo?)</p> <p>Where do you live? - San ka nakatira? (San ka na-ka-ti-ra?)</p> <p>How old are you? - Ilang taon ka na? (I-lang ta-on ka na?)</p> <p>May I have your number/What's your number? - Anong number mo? (A-nong number mo?)</p> <p>You're beautiful - Ang ganda mo. (Ang gan-da mo.)</p> <p>Can I see you again? - Pwede ba kitang makita ulit? (Pwe-de ba ki-ta ma-ki-ta u-lit?)</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Send me a message if you need Tagalog translations! Stay tune for more FREE lessons!</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

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<p>아 감사합니다.</p>

<p>@ cebuteddy 님에게... Walang anuman! (You're welcome.) <img src="etc/editor/tinymce402/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-laughing.gif" alt="" />&nbsp;:D If you need help in translating something in Tagalog, you can ask me!</p>

<p>Thats great..!!</p>

<p>Glad you like it!@ monthly 님에게...</p>

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