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차량대출 은행으로 부터 (2)

온 내용인데. 아시는 분 공유 부탁 합니다. This is to notify you that pursuant to Republic Act (R.A) No. 9510 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR), creating the Credit Information Corporation (CIC) we are mandated to submit your basic credit data as well as any regular updates or correction thereof to the CIC for consolidation and disclosure as may be authorized by the CIC. Consequently, your basic credit data may be shared with other lenders authorized by the CIC, and other credit reporting agencies duly accredited by the CIC, for the purpose of establishing your creditworthines. For more information, please contact our 24-Hour Customer Hotline (02) 88-791-88 or visit our website Thank you.

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에구구...ㅇㅏ시는분이 ㅇㅏ직 없나봅니다... 조금더 ㄱㅣ다려보심이...


간단하기 설면할게요. 개인신용정보를 cic에서 공증된 동내 애들하고 공유한다는 이야기 입니다. 시큐리티 은행서요.

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