NBI 한국인 납치범 3명 체포
NBI 한국인 납치범 3명 체포 지난 15일 한국에서 수배중이며, 필리핀에서 납치 범죄에 가담한 한국인 3명, 조창주, 홍창우, 범다원씨가 마닐라의 마카티 시에서 붙잡혔습니다. 이들은 레가스피 빌리지에서 렌트를 하여 거주하던 곳에서 붙잡혔습니다. https://mb.com.ph/2021/06/18/nbi-nabs-3-south-koreans-involved-in-kidnap-for-ransom-cases-in-ph/ - 원문 내용 - NBI nabs 3 South Koreans ‘involved in kidnap-for-ransom cases’ in PH National Bureau of Investigation Three South Korean nationals who are wanted in their country and allegedly involved in kidnap-for-ransom activities in the Philippines have been arrested in Makati City last June 15, the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) announced on Friday, June 18. NBI Officer-in-Charge Director Eric B. Distor identified those arrested as Changjoo Cho, Dawon Beom, and Changwoo Hong. They were arrested in the apartment they were renting in Legaspi Village during an operation conducted by the NBI’s Special Action Unit (NBI-SAU), Distor said. In a statement, the NBI said the operation was conducted after the NBI-SAU received reports that a syndicate composed of Koreans has been involved in kidnap-for-ransom activities in the cities of Manila and Makati. “The Syndicate is reportedly in possession of unlicensed high-powered firearms, which they use in their illegal activities,” it said. During its investigation, the NBI-SAU discovered that the three are “fugitives from South Korea wanted for prosecution with outstanding Warrants for their arrest.” “Records showed that the three (3) subjects were charged with violations of Article 26 of the Korean National Sports Promotion Act with maximum penalties up to seven years,” the NBI said. Korean Embassy Police Liaison Officer Maj. Sungsoo Chang accompanied the NBI agents in the operation, it added.
필리핀 경찰이 자신들과 똑같이 인질강도업계에 종사하는 동업자들을 체포했네요.
@ v찌질이v 님에게... 동종업종을 처벌함으로써, 경쟁자를 제거하는건가요? 탁월하네요
파란만장하게 사시네
필엔 범법자가 넘 마나요 ~
@ 톰과제리@네이버-15 님에게... 필고에 다 모여 있어요 ~~~
@ 하늘길은언제열릴지 님에게... ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ