마닐라 문틴루파에서 보이스피싱으로 수배된 한국인 체포

요약. 한국에서 수배된 보이스피싱 범죄자 최세웅(36세)씨가 문틴루파에서 붙잡혔다고 필리핀 당국이 밝혔습니다. 원문: https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1183018 Authorities nabbed a South Korean fugitive in Muntinlupa City who is wanted for telecommunications fraud in his home country, Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Gen. Rodolfo Azurin Jr. said Tuesday. Citing reports from the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG), Azurin said the suspect Choi Seung, 36, was arrested by members of the CIDG and the Fugitive Search Unit of the Bureau of Immigration in Alabang on Monday. Seung is the subject of a red notice from the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) for transnational crime. Reports gathered by the PNP reveal that the subject is the head of a telecom scam syndicate obtaining PHP215 million from some 800 victims from 2015 to 2016. “The PNP is always ready to respond to complaints especially if it involves a large-scale fraud such as this. Kaligtasan niyo, sagot ko! But this is a team effort so we recognize the dedication shown by everyone in the organization to resolving cases involving foreign nationals,” Azurin said in a statement. The PNP will properly coordinate with South Korean authorities to determine the proceedings in handling this case. Meanwhile, Azurin lauded the accomplishments of various police units and stations around the country. The intensified anti-illegal drug campaign conducted by Police Regional Office (PRO) 10 (Northern Mindanao) resulted in a total of 211 operations. During these operations, 258 drug personalities were arrested while more than PHP12.6 million worth of illegal drugs were seized. Authorities recorded a total of 77 police operations against loose firearms that resulted in the apprehension of 26 persons. Meanwhile, the PRO 4A (Calabarzon) conducted a total of 134 anti-criminality operations in August which resulted in the arrest of 165 individuals.

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열심히 노력해서 살생각 안하고 사기나 치는 저럼 시기들은 죽여야합니다.

@ DAL ARKI SONG 님에게... 와.. 대박이네여 ㄷㄷㄷ 어마어마하군여 ㅋㅋㅋ

@ DAL ARKI SONG 님에게... 진짜 다 범죄자 상이네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 관상은 과학인듯

@ DAL ARKI SONG 님에게... 인상 참 !! 한국사람 맞나요? 기가막히네....

필에서 좋은 차 타면서 딱 내리는 데 문신이 심상치 않다 그러면 아래 셋 중 하나입니다 1. 보피 2. 불법카지노 3. 불법사설토토 특히 보피는 보이는 족족 잡아야 함

@ 그린로즈 님에게... 4. 타투아티스트 5. 하드코어락밴드멤버 6. 원정깡패 7. 문신허세충

@ 악당 님에게... 저 면상들에게 4,5,7 해당사항은 없을듯요. 한국에서 중범죄 저지르고 도망온 깍두기들하고 기타 다른 붑법 운영하는 타투화상들은 있겠지만요

주디로 벌어먹었는데, 깜빵 갇다온다고 해도 인간은 안될듯 싶내요. 부디.... 새 인간이 되기를...

무기징역 했으면 좋겟넹

즁국애들은 불법 인터냇 게임이 대세인것 같고, 한국은 보이스피슁이 대세인것 같내요. ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ

그동안 행복했나

보이스피싱은 살인입니다...어떤 20세 여자아이가 2백만원 보이스피싱 당하고 자살했어요.....악마들이다!

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