주필한국대사관 비자 업무 예약제. 직접 찾아가면 접수 불가.

마닐라 한국 대사관에 온라인 예약을 하지 않고 방문하면, 대사관에 들어갈 수 없다고 하니 주의하시기 바랍니다. 기사의 내용은 한국으로 입국하는 비자에 대한 것으로, 온라인 예약이 한국인에게는 해당되지 않는 것 같습니다. 원문: https://www.philstar.com/nation/2022/09/16/2209953/korean-embassy-launches-online-visa-appointment Korean embassy launches online visa appointment The Korean embassy in Manila is no longer accepting walk-in visa applicants. On Tuesday, the embassy launched an online system that enables travelers to schedule their appointments in visiting the embassy to submit their visa applications. “Applicants are required to make an appointment to visit the embassy for visa application through the online platform. Without confirmation of the appointment, your visit to the embassy will be denied,” the Korean embassy said in an advisory. The appointment system may be accessed at https://consul.mofa.go.kr/en/main.do. The processing of visa applications may take at least five working days. Applicants are advised to ensure that their visa has been approved before booking flights to South Korea The embassy said applicants can also apply for a Korean tourist visa through accredited travel agencies. South Korea resumed issuing visas last June as it reopened its borders to tourists

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한국인이 비자가 왜 필요함.

@ 코로나백신 님에게... 한국인이 필리핀 가족 혹은 지인 비자 접수하러 가는경우도 많아요

여기 오래 살아서 그런가... 나도 한국 가는데 비자가 필요한줄 알았음. ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ

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