그레이스 리(Grace Lee) 에게 무슨일이 생긴건가요?

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I have never filed a case against anyone before. I've always believed in resolving matters within the boundaries of good and honest negotiation and placing human relationships above all else. The criminal case, estafa, I've filed against Mr Michael and Morgan Say, came after months of stressful efforts from our end to resolve matters. In these months I've realized two things: Not all those who speak in the name of the Lord are truly Godly people. Second, I'm blessed with so many friends who truly care for me and tried to help me in these trying times- they are truly God sent. So thank you for bearing this weight with me in your thoughts and prayers. To my lawyers Atty. Garreth Tungol, Atty. Gabriel Llaya, Atty. Sarah Francisco, thank you so much. Not just guiding me through this legal ordeal, but for the peace of mind, which is priceless. (Grace Lee)

알라방에 있는 매장 팔았는데... 돈 지급이 늦어진다고 하는걸로 알고 있습니다.

@ 글로벌엘케이부동산 님에게... 아.. 그런일이 있었군요. Estafa 라니까 '사기' 같은 criminal case 인가보네요.

2000년도 즈음 인가 올티가스 이송마트옆 환전소를 종종 이용 할 때였는데 그레이스리가 고딩시절 이였을건데 청순 하고 앳된 모습으로 엄마 뒤 졸졸 따라 다니던 모습을 보았었는데 벌써 세월이 이렇게 흘렀습니다.

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