세부에 위치한 유명한 광관지 모알보알에서 한국인 익사
요약: 한국인이 모알보알에서 익사했습니다. 50세의 Youngkil Gee는 바랑가이 바스디옷에 있는 숙소에 머물렀는데, 경찰은 Youngkil이 일요일 오전 10시쯤 마지막으로 살아있는 모습을 보았다고 말했습니다. 그 후 한 어부에 의해 Gee 씨가 숨진채 발견되었습니다.경찰은 Youngkil의 사인을 밝히기 위해 부검을 실시할 예정입니다. 원문: https://www.sunstar.com.ph/cebu/korean-national-drowns-in-moalboal Korean national drowns in Moalboal national who went to swim in Barangay Basdiot, Moalboal town, southwest Cebu, drowned on Sunday, February 11, 2024. The fatality was identified as Youngkil Gee, 50, a guest of a homestay in Sitio Tongo, Barangay Basdiot. Police Staff Sergeant Stewart Bayang, investigator of Moalboal Police Station, told SunStar Superbalita Cebu that the victim was last seen alive around 10 a.m. Sunday. According to the front desk officer of the place where Youngkil stayed, they did not notice the foreigner when he went outside to swim as he used the other door. His towel and slippers were found outside. The body was found by a fisherman around 12:50 p.m. The fisherman, identified as Benjamin Tim-tim Pocong, 43, saw the foreigner floating, but he thought he was snorkeling. He later asked for help when he noticed Youngkil not moving. Two other foreigners came to help. Personnel of the Moalboal Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office brought the victim to Badian District Hospital but he was declared dead on arrival. Police said an autopsy will be conducted on the body to determine what caused Youngkil s death. Initial investigation revealed that the fatality had difficulty lying on his back due to backache.
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