[사진] 최민재(33세) 마약 밀매 혐의로 수배 중 체포

Choi Minjae, 33 (최민재, 33세) 이민국(BI)은 팜팡가에 있는 클락 국제공항(CIA) 직원들이 마약 밀매 혐의로 자국 당국이 수배 중인 한국 국적자 최민재를 체포했다고 밝혔습니다. 최민재는 지난 2월 2일 자신을 마약류 혐의로 기소한 인터폴 적색수배 대상자로 밝혀졌습니다. 울산지법은 마약류 관리법 위반 혐의로 구속영장을 발부한 것으로 알려졌습니다. 당국은 최민재와 공범자가 2022년 4월부터 2023년 6월까지 합성 마리화나와 LSD를 포함해 327만 달러 상당의 마약을 인터넷을 통해 판매했으며, 해당 판매는 메시징 앱 텔레그램을 통해 539회 거래됐다고 주장했습니다.

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19 June 2024 SOKOR FUGITIVE WANTED FOR ILLEGAL DRUGS NABBED AT CLARK AIRPORT CLARK, Pampanga--The Bureau of Immigration (BI) said its officers at the Clark International Airport (CIA) in Pampanga arrested a South Korean national wanted by authorities in his country for drug trafficking. Immigration Commissioner Norman Tansingco identified the passenger as Choi Minjae, 33, who was intercepted June 17 before he could board a Jeju Air flight to Incheon in Seoul, South Korea. Choi, according to Tansingco, has been on the wanted list of the BI since February this year when he was ordered deported by the bureau for being an undesirable alien. He was stopped from leaving after the BI officer who processed him saw that the passenger’s name prompted a positive hit in the bureau’s derogatory check system indicating that he was blacklisted as a result of the deportation order against him. It was also found that he is subject of an Interpol red notice that was issued last Feb. 2 which stemmed from the filing of a narcotics case against him. A warrant for his arrest was reportedly issued by the Ulsan district court in southeastern Korea where he was indicted for violating his country’s narcotics control act. Authorities alleged that between April 2022 to June 2023 Choi and an accomplice sold over the Internet over US$3.27 million worth of drugs, including synthetic marijuana and LSD, the sales of which were transacted 539 times via the messaging app Telegram. Choi was later committed to the BI detention facility in Camp Bagong Diwa, Taguig City, where he will remain while awaiting deportation. “He is perpetually barred from re-entering the country as a consequence of his inclusion in our immigration blacklist,” Tansingco said.

인생나락이구나.. 절대 하면안되는걸 왜할까..

멀쩡하게 잘생겼는대

@ 사라라락 님에게... 시야를 담보로 도박하신거 아니시죠..?


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