이민국에서 한국인 두 명 체포

이민국 (BI)은 지난 수요일 (해외 출국) 서류가 미비한 13명의 필리핀 사람을 불법으로 고용해 (서류 조작을 통해) 말레이시아로 출국을 용이하게하려한 한국인 두 명을 체포했습니다. BI Port Operations 사업 부장 Grifton Medina는 Jaime Morente 국장에게 이정섭과 평정 수로 알려진 한국인들을 BI 블랙리스트에 포함시켜 필리핀으로 돌아 오지 못하도록하여 더 많은 희생자를 모집 하지 못하도록 했습니다. BI blacklists 2 S. Korean illegal recruiters MANILA -- The Bureau of Immigration (BI) reported on Wednesday the arrest of two South Korean nationals for attempting to facilitate the departure of 13 undocumented overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) they illegally recruited to work in Malaysia. BI port operations division chief Grifton Medina recommended to Commissioner Jaime Morente to include the South Koreans, identified as Lee Jeong Seop and Pyun Jung Su, in the BI blacklist to prevent them from returning to the Philippines and recruit more victims. He said the foreigners were reportedly identified by the victims as responsible for arranging and shouldering their expenses after they were intercepted at the Clark International Airport (CIA) in Angeles City, Pampanga on different occasions last month. It was learned that Lee supposedly arranged the travel of eight of the victims who were stopped at the Clark airport last July 16 as they were about to board a flight of Jetstar Airways to Singapore en route to their final destination in Kuala Lumpur. The passengers, who were disguised as tourists, admitted that they were hired to work as English instructors for Korean students in Malaysia. On the other hand, the five other victims were intercepted last July 22 as they were being accompanied by Pyun in boarding a Cebu Pacific flight to Hong Kong. The passengers said they were supposed to proceed to Korea where they were recruited by Pyun to work as nightclub entertainers. Verification of their travel records revealed that three of the women were also previously stopped from leaving the country for failure to explain their purpose of travel. “We are sending a stern warning to foreigners that they should not abuse their privilege and violate the conditions of their stay here by engaging in illegal activities such as recruitment and human trafficking,” he said in a statement. The BI official added that the tactic employed by the aliens in facilitating their victims’ departure will not work as “it will not escape the attention of our immigration officers who are adept in detecting schemes to spirit human trafficking victims out of the country.” The 13 individuals were later turned over to the Inter-Agency Council Against Trafficking for further investigation. (PNA)

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외국에 까지 와서 불법 인력 송출을 하다니.. 그만큼 수익이 많았던걸까요. 참, 여러가지 한다라는 생각이 드네요.

서류조작,>? 대단한사람들이야 ㅎㅎㅎ.

나라 망신 시키는 분들이군요..

법 위반을 하면 당연 처벌 받아야죠 한국인이 필리핀 인력을 말레이로 송출?

필핀 콩밥 좀 먹겠내요.

평경장? 짝귀? 쿠알라룽프면 여자겠군요 어디든 여자장사하는 인간들.포주들은 사람아님

Welcome. Go to the Bean Rice House.

불법은 사절입니다.

말레이시아가 필리핀보다는 훨씬 잘 살던데요..시골에도 집들이 대지가 넓고 건물 면적도 크고 자동차도 많이 소유하고 있어서 놀랐어요..말레이시아에 필리핀 불법 체류자가 많아서인지 입국하는 필리핀 사람에 대한 입국심사가 까다로왔어요

@ 하얀남 님에게... 필리핀이랑 비교 불가입니다.. 말레이시아는 저쪽 아시아에서 싱가포르 다음이에요

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