그것이 문화적으로 옳고 그른지 이해하게 해주십시오? / Please Let Me Understand if It's Culturally Right or Wrong?

강남에있는 한국 미용 아카데미 수업과 경험에 매우 만족했습니다. 그러나 내가 옳지 않다고 느낀 것들이 있습니다. 내 생각이 올바른지 아닌지 알려주세요. 7 월에, 나는 반영구적 메이크업과 BB 글로우를 할 수있는 최고의 학교를 연구하고, 인기가있는 학교로갑니다. 그들은 수업료가 5,000,000 원이라고 말했지만 사업을하기위한 스타트 업 키트와 함께 3,000,000원으로 할인했다. 나는 매우 흥미가 있었고 수업을 예약했다. 나는 적절한 금액을 가지고 여행 비용을 대략 추정하기 전에 많은 문의를했다. 그들은 나에게 스타트 업 키트를 줬다. 그러나 실종 된 것이 있었기 때문에 실제로 시작하기에는 충분하지 않다. 적절한 가격표와 모든 품목의 분류를 요청했습니다. 따라서 돈이 제대로 이체되어 더 많은 수수료가 부과되지 않을 것으로 예상했습니다. 다음 날 수업을 시작할 때마다 목록에 더 많은 누락 된 것이 있다는 것을 깨달았습니다. 그래서 나는 정직하지 않아서 10 %의 크레딧이 두 번 청구되었습니다. 그래서 두 번째로 다른 가격표를 요청했는데 800,000 원 상당의 기계가 누락되었습니다. 그들은 EMS Korea와 내가 아는 다른 한국 물류를 통해 적절한 금액을 찾은 운송료로 22,000 원을 청구했습니다. 그러나 그들은 기계 가격이 22,000 원이 아니라 40,000 원이라고 말했다. 나는 그들이 자신의 실수를 할 때마다 내가 겪는 혐의에 대해 신경 쓰지 않았다고 말하면서 화가났다. 한국 학교가 다 그런지 알고 싶어요? 그들이 실제로 창업을 제대로하는 방법에 대한 적절한 분석을 한 적이없는 것처럼. 게다가 세관이 항상 경험하는 것처럼 일주일 안에 물건을 배송 할 수 있다고 믿을 수 있다면 문제가 있습니다. 행복한 출발 이었지만 지금은 확실하지 않습니다. 당신이 그것에 대해 어떻게 생각하십니까? --------- I was very satisfied of the classes and experiences I had with my Korean Beauty Academy in Gangnam. However, there are things I felt not quite right. Please let me understand if my thinking is correct or not. Back in July, I research the best schools to do Semi-Permanent Makeup and BB Glow, and I end up going to this school that was deemed popular. They told me that the price of the class was 5,000,000 KRW but they discount it to 3,000,000 KRW plus a start - up kit to do the business. I was very interested and so I booked the class. I made so many inquiries before to make sure I had the proper amount and roughly estimated the cost of my trip. They did gave me a start-up kit but it's actually not enough to even really start up as there were missing things on it. I asked for the proper price list and the breakdown of all items. So I expected that my money will be properly transferred so I won't incur more fees. Apparently, every time I start my classes the next day, I realized there are even more missing things on the lists. So I ended up getting my credit charged 10% twice due to not being honest to me. So the 2nd time I asked for another price list and they were missing a machine worth 800,000 KRW. They charged me for 22,000 KRW for the shipping fee which I found a right amount via EMS Korea and another Korean Logistics I know. However, they told me that the machine is not 22,000 KRW but supposedly 40,000 KRW for the shipping price. I am kind of upset to say, that they never cared about the incurring charges I'm making every time they make their own mistake. I just want to know if the School in Korea are all like that? Like they never really gave a proper breakdown on how to properly make a start up business. Plus now am having problems if I could trust that they could ship the items in a week as I always experience being held by customs. It was a happy start but am not sure now. What do you think about it?

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Good day - It is very difficult to make you understand. We have a difference in culture and perception and to make you understand, you need expertise on the problem. i don't think there is an expert here that will fully understand your problem. sorry po ~

@ 사탄 님에게... I was thinking they didn't give me a 3,000,000 KRW class and expect I could do a start up kit completely. They would have honestly should have told me to prepare 10,000,000 before I go Korea so I will avoid bank charges.e Do you understand what I'm saying?

@ uandy 님에게... Good day - i understand. but i can't give you an answer because i don't know professionally about the process you are doing.

@ 사탄 님에게... oh well, starting a business is really hard, especially doing imports. Currently am just shrugging

저번에도 올라오는데 또올라오네요

도통 이해가 안된다는~ 한글로 작성한 글부터 막햐서 소화제 먹어야함 어려운 한글 다시 공부를 하기는 그렇고 ㅎㅎㅎ

머 좋은 일을 구할려면 5백이고 천이고 들어가지 않나요?

@ 빠로빠로85 님에게... I was thinking they didn't give me a 3,000,000 KRW class and expect I could do a start up kit completely. They would have honestly should have told me to prepare 10,000,000 before I go Korea so I will avoid bank charges.e Do you understand what I'm saying?

@ 빠로빠로85 님에게... 구럼일자리는 멋구하는거 아닌가뇨

@ 코끼리m 님에게... 도통 무슨말인지 알지못하는 1인..ㅡㅡ

It seems that your experience has nothing to do with the cultural thing at all. It seems that you chose a company with bad reputation. You should have asked the full refund if your experience with the company is not satisfactory from the beginning. If you took the class from them already (hence, if you can't get refunded), then you should ask them to be more clear on the charges and you can also file a complaint on Korea Consumer Agency, which is not really easy process for you, i am sorry to say. Based on what you said, if i were you, i would stay away from this company.

@ 스마트필고 님에게... The education is good. Just that it's like..if you can't study from this school..they won't tell you the price list or the break down at least. I'm just thinking..it's best that once I paid the classes..they should just give me the price list on the things I expected to buy so I can get things ready. Not like I have to transfer my cash and get tax 10% each time I swipe from them and it's incomplete...like more charges for me..you know

@ uandy 님에게... Yes, as you said, that company doesn't seem to be good one. I suggest you file a complaint to Korea Consumer Agency.

@ 스마트필고 님에게... does it count if am not even Korean?

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