TAGALOG LESSON. TOPIC: in the market

<p>This are the common tagalog words we use when in the market.</p> <p>How much is this? ---- Magkano po ito? (Mag-ka-no po i-to?)</p> <p>How much per kilo? ---- Magkano ang kilo? (Mag-ka-no ang ki-lo?)</p> <p>How much per piece? ---- Magkano ang isa? (Mag-ka-no ang i-sa?)</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Hope it helps. And also when your in the market always ask for discount because they will surely give a discount. But be careful because some seller in the market increase their price if the buyer is foreigner. So again asked for discount.</p>

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<p>good translation</p>

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