식당 종업원 계약서 (12)
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식당 종업원 고용하면서 작성하는 계약서를 찾고 있습니다.. 내용을 가지고 있는 분이 계시면 알려 주시면 정말 정말 감사를 드리겠습니다. 감사합니다.
메이드께 있네요 내용 수정하셔서 사용하시면 되겠습니다. CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT This employment contract is executed and entered into by and between: A. ( Name of Employer ) Address and Telephone Number: ___________________________________ B. ( Name of Employee ) Civil Status: ________________Age: __________ Address and Telephone Number:_____________________________________ Voluntarily binding themselves to the following terms and conditions: Site of Employment_____________________________________________________ (should not be assigned in commercial work, industrial or agricultural enterprise) 2. Contract Duration: 6 months commencing from ___________________ up to ____________________. 3. Employee’s Position : House Helper (Kasambahay) 4. Duties and Responsibilities: work for the employer in all legal matters clean the entire Employer’s house do the laundry 5. Regular Working Hours: 9am-9pm 6. Day off in a week: The Employee shall have once a week day off and that is every Sunday or as approved b 7. Salary: a. Basic Monthly Salary: P4000 b. Overtime Pay: For work over regular working hours: 100% of the hourly rate For work on designated rest days:100% of the hourly rate c. Salary Day: Every 1st (16-31) and 16th (1-15) of the month 8. Benefits The Employer shall provide the Employee the privilege to have the membership for the following benefits: Social Security System (SSS), Pag-IBIG and PhilHealth The Employer shall provide the Employee first aid assistance in case of sickness. 10. Other benefits: Perfect Attendance Bonus Monthly Bonuss: Perfect Attendance Bonus : Php 3,500.00 No Absent or late in a month If there is any Absence, P1000 will be deducted per absence to her Perfect Attendance Bonus. If there is any LATE , P300 will be deducted per late to her Perfect Attendance Bonus. 11. Agreement on credits if there are any: P 300/ week will be given as Cash Allowance which id deductible in the salary 13. Agreement on Termination of work: The Employer and the Employee shall agree in terms of the employment period and that the Employer shall review the employment contract of the house helper every three (3) months with the end view of improving the terms and condition thereof. 3.1.1 TERMINATION OF CONTRACT a. Misconduct or willful disobedience by the kasambahay of the lawful order of the employer in connection with the former’s work; b. Gross or habitual neglect or inefficiency by the kasambahay in the performance of duties; c. Fraud or willful breach of the trust reposed by the employer on the kasambahay; d. Commission of a crime or offense by the kasambahay against the person of the employer or any immediate member of the employer’s family; e. Violation by the kasambahay of the terms and conditions of the employment contract and other standards set forth under the law; f. Any disease prejudicial to the health of the kasambahay, the employer, or member/s of the household; and g. Other causes analogous to the foregoing. 14. Payment on End of Contract:___________________________ The Employee who has rendered at least one (1) month of service is entitled to a thirteenth-month pay which shall not be less than one-twelfth (1/12) of the total basic salary earned in a calendar year. 16. If the contract ended, it can be automatically used and applied again if the housemaid continued his/her service to the employer. 17. Should there be any conflict between the employer and employee, the issue can be raised to barangay and if was not resolved, the issue can be escalated to any DOLE-Regional/Provincial/Field Office designated to the site of employment. 18. Any changes to this contract will only take effect if the two parties agreed on it and supported by a written agreement signed by them. The employer, hereby, swear to give to the housemaid all of the benefits stated by the law. The employer and housemaid voluntarily bind themselves to the following terms and conditions stated in this contract. _______________________________________________________ (Signature of Employer)(Signature of Employee/Housemaid) _______________________________________________________ (Date) (Date)
저도 얻어갑니다. 너무 감사해요.@ 네자리 님에게...
@ 네자리 님에게... 와우 감사 합니다. 좋은 정보 얻어 갑니다
@ 네자리 님에게... 와우~~ 정보 공유 감사합니다.
@ 네자리 님에게... 한글 번역 가능 합니까 유익한 정보 라. 필요합니다 영문.한글. 감사합니다
@ 네자리 님에게...
@ 네자리 님에게... 감사합니다
한글 번역 가능 합니까 유익한 정보 라. 필요합니다 영문.한글. 감사합니다
좋은 정보네요...필요한 분들이 많을거 같네요^^
네자리님: 정확하게 올려 주셨네요 정보 공유 감사드립니다..
For complete legality please cale department of labor to get guidlines.
계약서라는게 별거 없어요 ccc계약도 아니시고 정직원 계약도 아니신데 그냥 자필로 만드셔서 변호사 공증 하시면 되고요 정직원되면 피곤합니다 잘알고 하세여^^ 전 직원이 한 30명됩니다 정직원 한명도 없습니다