The Walking Dead Drama Series

<p> Those anyone of you have tried to watch an american drama like The Walking Dead? this drama is awesome and i highly recommended for Korean. One of the actor here is a korean His name is Steven Yeun. Try to watch this one and you will enjoy.</p> <p> <img alt="" src="" /></p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <img alt="" src="" style="width: 760px; height: 535px;" /></p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> If you want to watch the episodes just visit my Post <a href=";action=view&amp;id=music_en&amp;idx=518534&amp;page=1&amp;cafe_id=good&amp;category="><u>here</u></a></p>

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@ narda - thanks i know you'll like it i will upload the next episode soon i Added the 3 and 4 episodes enjoy watching

시즌1은 엄청재미있었는데 시즌2는 너무 지루하더군요..

시즌1은 정말 재미있었는데.. 윗분말대로 시즌2는 좀 식상해졌어요.. 그래도 2월에 다시 방영한다니 기다려봐야죠 ㅋ

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