학교 설립방법 4
전에 언급한 서류도 중요 합니다 하지만 학교 설립지 건물과 최초로 검사하는 검열에 준비하셔야 합니다 다음은 지역 교육청에서 최초로 검열하는 용지 입니다 Name of School: ________________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ Telephone No.: _______________________________ Cellphone No.: ____________________________ COURSE OFFERED STATUS SCHOOL YEAR Findings: Based from the ocular inspection I conducted on this school on ______ here are the following findings 1. Name of School Owner 2. Principal/ Teacher-In-Charge 3. Educational Qualification/s 4. School Site: owned ( ) leased ( ) 5. Lot size in Square Meter 6. Number of Teachers: 6.1 Full Time 6.2 Part Time 7. Educational Qualification/s 8. Teacher-Pupil Ratio 9. Number of Classroom 10.Average Classroom size 11. Programs: 11.1 Self – contained 11.2 Double-single Session 12. Ancillary Services 12.1 Office ( Business ) 12. 12 Science Laboratory 12.2 Office ( Admin ) 12.13 Playground 12.3 Library / LRC Pre-Elementary 12.4 Guidance / Counseling Room Elementary 12.5 Faculty Room Secondary ( Basketball Court 12.6 Medical/ Dental Clinic 12.14. Sports Equipment 12.7 Computer Laboratory 12.15. Playground Apparata 12.8 H.E. Bldg 12.16 PEHM 12.9 Industrial Arts Shop 12.17 T.H.E. ( Tech. H.E ) 12.10 Agriculture 12.18 School’s Handbook Vegetable Garden 12.19 Flagpole Outside Medicinal Garden 12.20 School Flag ( 3x5.5) Ornamental Garden National Flag ( 3x5.5 ) Trees 12.21 Social Hall 12.11 Canteen 12.22 Covered Court 12.23 Parent’s Waiting Area 12.24 Activity Room ( NKP)