링암 마사지.. Ling-am Massage
<p>.</p> <p> </p> <p>그냥 참고하시라고 올려 봅니다.. 자게는 좀 그렇고</p> <p>저도 사실 받아본적은 없는데.. 워낙 마사지를 좋아하고..</p> <p>궁금해서.. 네이버, 유튜브에 구글링에 여기저기 찾아봤는데..</p> <p>한국의 많은 병원에서도 남성 치료를 위해서 한다고 하네요..</p> <p>마사지를 의료 행위로 지정하고..</p> <p>의사만 시술하지 않으면 불법이다.? 법이 그러니 따라야죠.</p> <p>한국은 그런걸로 아는데 타 국가는 모르겠지만</p> <p>타 국가까지 찾아보기는 귀챤코..</p> <p> </p> <p>보는 시각에따라.. 유사 성 행위로 볼수도 있지만..</p> <p>그보다는 치료의 목적이 있다고 생각합니다.</p> <p>아니면 병원에서 시술하지 않겠지요..</p> <p>거기다 병원에서 남자 의사한테?</p> <p>무슨 게이도 아니고 상상만 해도 기분이 더럽네요..</p> <p>누에타이에서 남자 마사지사한테 바디 마사지를 받아도</p> <p>기분이 더럽던데..</p> <p> </p> <p>가격을 보니..</p> <p>필고에서 광고하는 업체들이 비싼것이 아니네요..</p> <p>생각과는 반대로 필고 광고업체들이 더 저렴하네요..</p> <p>문제는 로컬 업체가 더 비싸고.. 직접 찾아가야 하고..</p> <p>그 지역이 안전한 지역도 아니고.. 뒷골목에 있네요.</p> <p> </p> <p><a href="http://www.guidetocebu.com/massages-in-cebu/lingam-in-cebu.html" target="_blank">http://www.guidetocebu.com/massages-in-cebu/lingam-in-cebu.html</a></p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Ling-am Massage</strong></p> <p>One of the biggest debates in Cebu this year, Lingam <span id="IL_AD12" class="IL_AD">massages</span> as according to this <a href="http://www.whitelotuseast.com/LingamMassage.htm" target="_blank">website</a> </p> <p><em>"is loosely translated as "Wand of Light." In Tantra or Sacred Sexuality, the Lingam is respectfully viewed and honored, as a "Wand of Light" that channels creative energy and pleasur</em>e"</p> <p>In other words, the objective of the massage is not to achieve the peak of orgasm but just barely before it. These are massages wherein the masseuse's job is to massage the testicles of the man-including the area which is called the Sacred Spot( prostate). Said to have therapeutic benefits for men with <span id="IL_AD7" class="IL_AD">erectile dysfunction</span>, premature ejaculation, and stressful lives, Lingam offers another "venue" in which men can release their stress, and anxiety in a manner that is not supposedly to be "sexual" (though this is still left for debate as some might argue that its an artistic version of a handjob). Though majority of the population might think that Lingam is a cover for prostitution, many spa owners argue that this is not the case and that their masseuse are trained not to engage in such. However, there has been a big crackdown on the illegitimate lingam spas especially in areas such as Mactan and Mandaue. So, if ever you decide to try this out, Cebu is probably the only place where it is still "safe" to do. </p> <p>Massage areas for Lingam is located normally on the inner parts of the roads, so you won't get to see them anywhere on the Highways or national roads(go figure). Most taxi's would know these areas.</p> <p><em>Added Note:</em> some parlors' masseuses offer "extra service"-frankly speaking a BJ and something all the way with extra <span id="IL_AD8" class="IL_AD">payment</span>. 1k pesos for a B and 1.5k for an S. </p> <p><br /><br />Read more: <a href="http://www.guidetocebu.com/massages-in-cebu/lingam-in-cebu.html#ixzz3oNDIdG2w" target="_blank">http://www.guidetocebu.com/massages-in-cebu/lingam-in-cebu.html#ixzz3oNDIdG2w</a></p>
<p>세부에 있는거네요?</p>
<p>@ 덕유산 님에게...</p> <p>.</p> <p>제가 세부에 살다보니..</p> <p>세부쪽만 찾아본거라.. 사이트 이름도 가이드투세부.. ㅎㅎ</p> <p>마닐라쪽은 더 많겠지요..</p> <p>구굴링으로 링암 검색하면 정말 수두룩하더군요..</p> <p>링암뿐 아니라 에스코트서비스부터 다양 하더군요.</p>